Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tracy's Favorite Things - Mommy Edition

Cold season is in full swing and it seems like Zachary has had a runny nose since before Halloween!

The latest addition to my Favorite Things list is:

These look like baby wipes, but they are specially made for noses because they have saline in them!  
They literally melt crusty boogers away! 
They are so gentle on Zachary's nose, even when it is red and sore from being wiped over and over again!

These have truly been a live saver when Zachary just can't seem to handle another swipe of his nose!

If you sign up HERE they will send you a coupon for $0.50 off a package. 
I try and buy them when they are on sale at Babies R Us.  (2 pack for $ I used the coupon last time!!)

I am now including these as one of my "Can't Live Without" items I give to new Mommy friends for their Baby Showers!!

I use the "Fresh Scent" type for Zachary, but I have heard the "Grape" ones are good too!  
(My sister-in-law Tammie warned me to stay away from the Menthol ones!!)

Have you ever used Boogie Wipes?  Do you love them as much as I do? 

I would love to hear from you Mommies!!

1 comment:

  1. I love these too- they are fabulous! Although, we use the menthol ones and have had no problems- they work great especially when M is all congested.
