Thursday, March 4, 2010

Where are you Baby Edmisten??

So my due date has come and gone, and as of today I am 3 days over due! I went to my weekly Doctor's appointment yesterday and I am progressing, but slowly! (I'm not even 2 cm dialated yet!)

At this point my Dr. asked us, "What do you guys want to do?" Joey and I decided that we needed to schedule an induction date, just to be safe.

SO......I will be induced next Tuesday, March 9th! (That is if he doesn't arrive before then!) I would much rather him decide to join us on his own, but at least I now know the absolute latest he could arrive. I will be going to a Fetal Monitoring appointment tomorrow to make sure he is good to go!

Please keep us in your thoughts as Joey and I get ready to welcome Baby Edmisten to the world! I promise his name will be revealed as soon as he arrives!!


  1. I've been thinking about you everyday! I bet it feels nice to at least have an induction scheduled. I bet he will make his way out before then....rub the belly for me while you can!

  2. I had the same thing with Jack.
    We HAD an induction date set, but didn't need it :)
    We ended up bringing him home on the day of our appointment.
    I will wish that for you ;)

  3. Twenty seven years ago my first born did the same thing. Two weeks after the due date we induced- only to have fetal distress. Eventually the baby was delivered c-section. Today's medicine is vastly different! My mistake? I fretted for two weeks and became tired and unfocused. Keep your chin up and stay positive! Praying for quick results,
    Amy H.
