Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Six Months Old!


Last Friday, September 10th, Zachary turned 6 months old! It's amazing that he is already been around for half a year!

He went to his 6 month appointment and weighed in at 17 pounds 1 ounce and measured 26 inches. He is in the 50th percentile in both areas! The Doctor said he is a healthy boy!

-He is moving around everywhere! He's crawling and scooting and getting to where he wants to! Watch out world!

-We have had to lower his crib 2 times this week because he grabbed the side and stood up!! It is now on the lowest height!

-He sits up by himself when we put him on his bottom, and he is close to being able to go from a crawling to sitting position on his own!

-He is a GREAT eater! He loves all the food I've been making him! So far he has eaten: rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, avocado, butternut squash, peas, pears, apples, and bananas!

-I survived taking him to day care! The ladies there love him and he seems to like being around other kids. (I only shed a few tears the first day I dropped him off!)

-He "talks" a lot. (Talks=Screaming!) He likes to smile and "talk" to everyone he meets. We are often told that he is a happy baby, and I totally agree.

-He doesn't have any teeth yet, but I have a feeling it'll be happening soon! He's a drooling machine!

-This month he got a high chair (Thanks Nana Bintliff!!) and a walker (Thanks Auntie Tammie!). He is amazing in the walker! He steers it around corners so that he can look out the back door at our 2 dogs. He smiles and "talks" to them too!

Overall it's been a busy month with Joey and I both going back to work, but Zachary is such a joy to be around! It's nice to see his smiling face after a day of work! The drive from work to day care seems SO long sometimes!

Here are some highlights of this month:

Zachary hung out on the field at Angel Stadium

He put his feet in the Pacific Ocean for the first time!

He enjoyed the homemade carrot baby food made by Mommy!

He found the laundry basket!

He sat in his new high chair!

This must be his "I'm hungry" face!

He loves walking/running in his walker!

What a happy boy!

He ate bananas in his food net!
(Thanks Anita!)

He splashed around in the bath!

He stood up in his crib!


Those cheeks are just delicious!

Daddy helped with the photo shoot!

He sits up like a big boy!

It's been a great 6 months!


  1. YAY...I love that you are using the mesh feeder! SO FUN!!! He is such a CUTIE...can't wait to see you both again! Halloween party???

  2. he is just too cute!!! i can't believe he is 6 months old already!! :o) hope to see you soon!
